NGFL: The Age Old Truth Exposed
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  :: Gro's Words On NGFL

So you wanna know what this is all about huh!?!? Some order to all this madness? Well this evolved like any other crackpot idea Smo and Gro have. We had an unfruitful encounter with a lady or two and you know things didn't go our way...(like always)...and it hit us. Yea we forgot to duck and it hit us square between the eyes. Yes, the reason for all of our unluckiness in love. NGFL comes from our experiences, and we hope to help those who've had similar experiences to feel better about themselves and laugh at others. We're all about the opposite sex but it seems they are not all about us. So after months of being sick and tired of being sick and tired, we set out in search for the answer. And like I said earlier it just hit us, blammo...yes, blammo!!! This is for all of the guys who have ever been passed up, looked down at, or told I like you too much as a friend. This is for all the crap, all junk we put up with day in and day out and just sit there and take it. NGFL is the support for all you out there who fit this description.

  :: Smo's Words On NGFL

Some of you are probably sitting there thinking, "What a bunch of wackos!" Well, if the shoe fits is all I can say. Some of you probably still haven't figured out what NGFL stands for. Those of you that have lived it, understand it, appreciate it, and appreciate the work we're putting into this site. I look at this site as a way to recognize those that go unrecognized. Bringing some insight into an age old truth. I was involved in relationtships constantly for about 3 years. I was blinded from this truth for quiet a while. A truth that I saw before I ever got a girlfriend, and a truth I forgot about when I finally got a girlfriend. My past 5 months of solitude have showed me this age old truth once again. NGFL occurs everyday, all over the world. I understand what the NGFL people are going through. I have been witnessing it for many months, and I have even gone as far as investigating the subject. I have asked several females the question, "Why NGFL?" I have yet to succeed in finding an answer. Is there an answer? Will NGFL ever end? Who knows? But while it exists, let's take pride in it, let's joke about, and let's enjoy our lives as they are. Every dog has his day, and maybe one day we will have ours. Enjoy our site, enjoy our humor, and most importantly enjoy being's not as bad as many think, but it is an unfair just that we have to live with.

© 2002-2003 da_soundman Productions