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Case Study: Hubb What?!?!

*Screen fades in. We see Smo, Gro, and Manny sitting behind the desk. All their faces appear solemn and saddened.

Smo: Folks, today is a tragic day in the NGFL family.

Gro: Yes. This is a sad, sad day.

*Camera pans to an empty chair.

Smo: Hubb is gone.

Gro: M.I.A.

Manny: Let's bow our heads in rememberance of our lost friend.

Smo: I mean this is a tragedy above all NGFL tragedies, and there is no explanation for his disappearance.

Gro: Now a word from him.

Manny: Oh. By the way guys, I found this letter.

Smo: What letter?

Manny: I don't know. It was taped to the door. I just stuck it in my pocket.

Gro: Give me that! *Opens the letter and gets ready to read.*

*Sad mood music begins playing in the background.

Gro: *reading* Dear NGFL staff, members, cameramen, and my millions and millions of fans. I have taken time off to make a trip across the country to pay a visit to a special . . . . WHAT?!?!?!

*A record screeches to a halt.

*Smo and Manny slowly look over at Gro.

Manny: WHAT?!?!?!

Smo: . . .

*Sad mood music begins playing again.

Gro: . . . a special . . . *breathes heavily* . . . young lady . . .

*A record screeches to a halt.

Smo: What in the heck did you just say?!

Manny: I don't believe I heard you right.

Gro: No... You heard me.

Smo: That boy must be outside his mind!

Gro: This only leaves one option . . . we have to go find him!

Manny: Guys...I would love to help, but ...uhm...well...*scratches head*...I have a date.

Smo: Figures! You're not the resident pimp for no reason.

Gro: *rolls eyes* We'll go without you.

*Smo and Gro run off leaving Manny alone.

Smo: *talking to his wrist* Butler Bud, quick! We need the Slappedmobile and two, two sizes too small spandex suits.

Gro: *talking to his watch* Nix that for me. I just need the fat guy jogging suit. Smo let's split and get our stuff then meet back at launch point.

*Smo and Gro separate taking two different tunnels.

*Bud is seen preparing the Slappedmoblie.

Bud: Man! I never get to have any fun.

*Smo and Gro meet at launch point. Gro in his NGFL sweat suit and Smo in his spandex.

Gro: Oh brother! I didn't think you were serious.

Smo: *talking very high pitched* I don't think I am.

*Smo runs back into the secret dressing chamber and reappears wearing capri pants and an Alf shirt.

Smo: Let's go!

*Smo and Gro jump into the Slappedmobile and take off through the abanonded roads of the secret NGFL base. A solid rock wall quickly approaches the speedy vehicle.

Gro: Did you push the button?

Smo: Uhhh. . . what button?

Gro: The button that opens the rock wall we're fixing to crash into.

Smo: I didn't know there was a . . . . . .

*Eery death music begins playing as Smo and Gro begin screaming like little girls.

*The screen goes black and To Be Continued... flashes onto the screen.
©2000 da_soundman Productions